Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July Ya'll!!!

I usually don't do anything for the 4th (*gasp!* unpatriotic I know!). The past few years I think I had to work and was honestly too tired to do much afterward. The city of Brenham is pretty much dead on the 4th, but the surrounding little towns are bursting with activity! There were several parades to choose from, but we settled on going to the one in Round Top. I think this was the first parade I've actually ever enjoyed! Lots of crazy cars, floats, costumes, and tons of mardi gras beads! (no flashing required) It was quirky, odd, country, some slightly inappropriate.... I loved it! We will definitely be going back next year.... we may have started a new tradition!

Later tonight we are going to check out the fireworks at Washington on the Brazos. I haven't been since I was a kid, but I hear it is amazing! I can't wait!

Happy 4th of July Ya'll!!

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